Wednesday 5 October 2011

I Need Inspiration

Right now definitely stuck in a rut, same scene, same faces, same drama and nothings happening. I NEEED to be inspired and amazed.

Looking at universities, finding 250 words that will make me appeal to a university in a personal statement, and spending the rest of my time asleep, at work or looking for more work. Knowing that in 5 years time i'l have just finished uni, hello debt!

I definitely need inspiration and something new in my life, even a visit to the rock would be good. To get away from the drama and constant nagging of home life. In need of a trip to Selfridges for the day, getting lost in leather and fabric is the best way to deal with everything.

Recently I've got lost in my music again, after 4 years of not playing, I've given up and resisted into the piano, and it feels so good, so I spend hours upon hours playing and loosing myself in music along with reading, every emotion comes out through my music and long may it stay this way although how I'm going to live without piano at uni I honestly do not know.

Something bring me inspiration and a holiday!

<3 X