Sunday 25 September 2011

Goodbye Facebook!

I have just deleted facebook, lets see how long this lasts! I am fed up of everything and everyone knowing everyone elses business, although im one of the nosiest people ever!

But now it means i have to do something else rather than sit on facebook, instead it shall be on skype or the Tiffany website, i may even blog more!

But so long facebook for now!

<3 X


Playing games is definitely how some people deal with situations. Me being one of them, I need to man the fuck up and stop beating around the bush!

I also need a full time job and money so I can buy a new tv and clothes.

Rant over :-) however I do miss the beach and sunshine!

<3 X

Monday 19 September 2011

It's Been A While!

It has definitely been a while since I've been on here, and SO much has happened!

3 holidays, Birthday, A-Level results, New job, New hair & most of all causing complete chaos over summer! However i'm back with a bang and life is about to get a lot more serious, jobs & uni applications going ahead, next year is definitely a busy one! However the best thing is knowing i can rewind by the piano in the evening.

Winter is coming as I've started wearing coats & scarves although i've spent most of the summer in scarves after pneumonia scared me! Goodbye hot sunshine and lazy evenings spent with the girls on the patio with cocktails, its back to bed and tv as my girls have left for uni! And i have had a very short lived boat season, next year will be completely different and so will the winter season, time for socks, coats and layers!

I had the most amazing holiday away with the girls which was very much needed, a week of sun, sand, pool and nights out. Still deciding how mine and kathryn's flailing went down in GC and how none of us fell off the banana boat, but what an amazing holiday although we did look forward to our own beds and no cockroaches. Definitely suffering from lack of sun and tan now though!

My 18th meant i saw my best friend and i cannot tell you how good it was to catch up and spend nights awake sorting out all our dramas, missing her now! However there was a big part of my life that was missing at my 18th, although that wont be missing at the rest of my birthdays! The police turnt up, i caused chaos and more confusion and all in all it was such a good night, thank you to everyone who turnt up! My birthday meant i was spoilt and Tiffany jewellery went down SO well, its difficult to explain my face after being presented with duck blue boxes and white ribbons. However one of the most precious presents will be from that person, who knows exactly who they are :-).

Spent most of August either drunk, in bed or at work, I sorted out confusion made some of the most difficult decisions, was torn apart and ripped up into a million pieces this summer. Good and bad bits, absolutely crazy parts of the summer which i will never remember, attempted to leave the damage and destruction, however its me and i end up picking up whats left gluing it back together and realising some of the most important things and there are some people i know i cannot deal without.

I have found my happy place, my future and where i need to be. So the next 3/4 years are dedicated to getting there. Me being a stubborn cow means il do it, so watch this space im back and plan on blogging more!

<3 X